Following lockdown due to current health crisis, just like common people, bollywood celebs too are practicing self-quarantine and social distancing. While many celebs are busy sharing their fitness and workout videos, actress janhvi kapoor had a special dance treat for her fans last evening. As she shared a throwback dance video on instagram from her kathak classes. The Dhadak actress along with the video had a caption that read, “missing the classroom. But anywhere and everywhere can be a classroom no?”
Talking about the 50-second video, Janhvi can be seen looking her best dressed in pink and white kurti teamed with palazzos showcasing her graceful kathak moves to the tunes of aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s song Salaam from 2006 released film Umrao Jaan. It didn’t take much time for the video to go viral, as Janhvi’s fans and followers assured to trend it on social media. The actress also garnered praises and compliments from netizens for her brilliant and graceful moves.
On the work front, janhvi kapoor was last seen in a special dance track from Irrfan, kareena kapoor Khan starrer Angrezi Medium, has three big projects in her kitty. The young actress has filmmaker sharan Sharma’s much anticipated Gunjan Saxena, hardik Mehta’s Roohi Afzana with rajkummar rao and also karan Johar’s productional venture Dostana 2 with Kartik Aaryan.